Our Customers
We provide customized technology-based solutions that capitalize on our fundamental understanding of operational requirements. Join our growing list of partner-clients.
For more information, please send your inquiries to bizdev@techopsolutions.net.
Department of Homeland Security
TechOp consultants and technicians provide technology and operations solutions to senior decision makers within DHS.
- National Operations Center: Open source monitoring services
- DHS Privacy Office: Privacy compliance and FOIA support services
- Homeland Security Information Network: Help desk support
- Customs and Border Protection (OFO): Call center operations & management, Privacy support services
- Customs and Border Protection (OIT): Privacy support services
- Science and Technology Directorate: Privacy compliance and FOIA support services, Technology scouting
Department of Veterans Affairs
TechOp is an awardee of Veteran Enterprise Contracting for Transformation and Operational Readiness (VECTOR), a department-wide IDIQ contract. TechOp was awarded “Service Group 1. Management and Improvement” and “Service Group 2. Analysis”. TechOp currently supports VA Central Office with FOIA support services. |
United States Marine Corps
TechOp provides technical staffs in support of the Marine Corp’s facility maintenance program – USMCmax. USMCmax is based on Maximo, a COTS enterprise asset management program. USMCmax is currently deployed at Marine Corp installations across the US utilizing a centralized application/database configuration. TechOp’s experienced professionals provide a full spectrum of services including a corporate wide help desk, report development and data calls, user training, development of customized applications and interfaces to 3rd party programs. |
Department of Justice
TechOp provides support on a next generation information and case management program. TechOp’s support includes Business Process Engineering (Agile development methodology integration, Business process mapping), Concept Development (Concept of Operations development, Stakeholder engagement) Analysis Support (Requirements definition/collection, Gap analysis, Evaluaion), and Application User Support (Tier 2 Help Desk support, Incident response, Training support). |